domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

A GIFT FOR THE TEACHER.... o Un regalo para mis alumnos de "Educación"

To Touch a life and make a difference.....

Teaching is not an insignificant, irrelevant, paper-shuffling kind of a job. It has meaning, worth, and value. It gives you the opportunity to touch a young and impressionable life and make it better. We were the luckiest class in the school. We had a homeroom teacher who knew the core truth of education: self-hate destroys, self-steem saves. This principle guided all her efforts on our behalf. She always minimized our deficiencies, neytralized our rage, and enhanced our natural gifts. She never, so to speak, forced a dancer to sing or a singer to dance. she allowed each of us to light his own lamp. We loved her.
Mr. Jacobs won our hearts, because he treated us as though we were already what we could only hope to become. Through his eyes we saw ourselveves as capable and decent and destined for greatness... Mr Jacobs introduced us to ourselves. we learned who we were and what we wanted to be. No longer strangers to ourselves, we felt at home in the world. As a teacher, you will have a rare privilege and responsability: you can affect an change the lives of childrens. it is the basic nature of the job to guide academic learning, to help a puzzled and frustrated child finally crack the phonic code or discover patern and meaning in what were once the lifeless and unrelated facts of history. but the teaching of reading and history and other content areas does not take place in an emotional vacuum. Each classroom is a composite of the anguish and joy of all its students. students occupy psychological as well as physical space. There is the child in the fourth seat who seldom volunteers but who always knows the answer. You can feel the pain of her shyness. ther is the rambunctious one who spills all over the classrooms in a million random ways but is unable to focus on any one task or project. There is the "victim" who inspires taunts and even physical abuse from usually well-mannered classmates. There is the child who barely acknowledges yourr presence and pencil-taps on the desk in a disturbing and incomprehensible rhythm.
All of these children are struggling for self steem and for discovery of who they are and what they can become.


Por lo general en todas nuestras conversaciones, esta presente la tendencia a referirnos con detalles a algún suceso o evento, bien sea que esté aconteciendo en la actualidad o bien que haya sucedido en época pasada.

Lo cierto es que para obtener información relativa de ello en cualquier idioma, hacemos uso del método más antiguo y también mas eficaz de obtener conocimiento de algo: LA PREGUNTA. La respuesta a esa pregunta es nuestro objetivo. Sino formulamos la PREGUNTA como una llave maestra, será ruda la tarea de enterarnos de cosas que probablemente sean menester para llevar a cabo cualquier comunicación por simple que sea.

En el idioma inglés, y también en el español logicamente, contamos con los llamados "RELATIVOS" que son usados para formular preguntas y obtener a través de ellos respuestas relativas en detalle a la información solicitada.

Por otra parte, suele ser curioso el análisis lógico gramatical y el enfoque conversacional que le damos. Ejemplo de ellos son: WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY y WHO....que se conocen como los 5 principales relativos de la composicion gramatical del inglés entre muchos otros, y son usados basicamente para formular preguntas, asi What equivale al QUÉ?, WHERE equivale a DÓNDE?, WHEN significa CUÁNDO?, WHY expresa POR QUÉ? y por último y no menos importante WHO que equivale a preguntar QUIÉN?.

Si alguien nos preguntara por ejemplo Dónde ocurrió o pasó? no seriamos capaces de responder con otra cosa que no se refiera a LUGAR donde se llevó a cabo el evento. Por lo que deducimos que se trata en este caso del relativo de lugar..... y asi iremos descubriendo cada uno de los relativos. Al comprenderlos seremos capaces de expresarlos!!!!


the culture brings people together